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Carbon Neutral Clothing

This page helps to inform you about being carbon neutral and understand what that means in practice.  We are working with the supply chain of our changing ponchos to implement this, but in the mean time, all of our clothing is carbon neutral. We've included some pictures, some numbers, and some details about the relevant parts of the supply chain that we use, like how we are using renewable energy, organic cotton and low-waste production methods to reduce carbon, and how our tree planting sequesters enough CO2 to make the whole product life cycle net zero.

This is important because of the climate crisis. Sharing some specifics about how we are helping, will help everyone else think about the products that they purchase.


The sun and the wind keep the lights on

Our products are made in factories powered by the wind and the sun. Renewable sources of energy minimise pollution, unlike finite fossil fuels like coal which release greenhouse gases when used, contributing to global warming

Plant based Packaging

All of our products and packaging are made using natural materials. Whilst it can take hundreds of years for plastic bags to break down, paper biodegrades in weeks. No waste, no plastic pollution. And while plastic is made from oil and requires energy, emitting carbon, to be formed, paper mailers are almost the opposite: The carbon in the molecules that make up the material was captured from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, a physical carbon capture and storage story in your hands. And when they are finally finished, they will degrade into soils and natural systems.


Organic Raw Materials


To make farms more productive, the business as usual approach is to pump fertilisers into the ground, pesticides into the air, and in some cases, artificially heat and light plants to increase yield. Economically it makes sense because neither the cost of throwing stuff away when it is worn out, nor the climate cost of energy is costed in. But it's insane. Because the amount of energy, water and transport used, and the pollution that is created, is expensive for our environment and the people within it. This is not acceptable to us, because we do not want our products to cost the Earth. That's why we take a different approach.

Organic agriculture is a fundamentally different approach. It means letting plants grow naturally - using techniques the way nature intended them. Instead of pesticides, co-planting crops distract bugs. Instead of fertiliser, well, you have options. Like cow poo. And clean soil means that farmers can grow onions and food in the dry season instead of needing to irrigate water. So instead of creating carbon, these crops absorb it. Soft, kind to skin and a positive solution for our climate.


Organic production massively reduces the carbon cost of materials, and, better still, we can reutilise the material we have already got to reduce emissions further.

The Remill technology that is used enables them to make new products from worn out materials instead of creating them from scratch every time. This is what we mean when we talk about circular design. The recycled t-shirts and jumpers are made with organic cotton that has been sent back and remade. This reduces the material required to make a new yarn by using the material that they already have. And by only printing what people need when they need it, waste is designed out in the factories at every stage. Waste saved is carbon saved.

Every t-shirt, jumper or hoodie has a label like this so that you can get instructions on how to send your worn out items back to be remade. You get store credit too!!

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